Tagged: child photography

Fine Art Photography near Ashford

Fine Art Photography near Ashford

Well its the busy season in the studio – I have only seven available studio slots left this year. Today, this delightful girl came into the studio. Apart from her love of dogs and peppermint ice cream, she was a wonderful subject for a fine art portrait.

Child photography near Mortlake

A few days ago, the charming Sarah came to my studio. She was very easy in front of the camera, and her Mummy and Daddy were very happy with the portraits.

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Child photography near Hounslow

Child photography near Hounslow

I have a busy weekend ahead in the studio, so this is just a quick update to showcase Kashvi who came to the studio during the week for her first portrait. She was a little bit shy until she found all the toys I keep hidden away, then she turned into a bundle of fun; however, I like this, more reserved picture.

Composite portraits

Sometimes, a baby is just so cute that the parents find it hard to select which portraits they like the best. One solution to this is to create a composite of their favourites. This is what happened with this little chap.


Now the parents have a lovely wall portrait to grace the walls of their home.

Family photography near Teddington

Family photography near Teddington

Sue and Richard won a family portrait session at my studio, by bidding for it at a silent auction run in support of the Crossway Pregnancy Crisis Centre. This is one of the portraits they selected.